Glenny News

Poll reveals 75% of property professionals are positive about Brexit post-Article 50

Poll reveals 75% of property professionals are positive about Brexit post-Article 50

An online straw poll conducted by Glenny has revealed that 75% of industry professionals either feel optimistic or realistic about Brexit, following the triggering of Article 50 last week. When asked how they felt the outlook for their business looks post Article 50, of those surveyed 39% responded that Brexit is what we need, with 36% replying let's get on with it and only 25% believing Brexit will be bad for business. John Bell, Managing Partner at Glenny and head of the firm's Business Space Agency division, said:

The results suggest that, at this stage in the game, people are very much of the mind-set: Brexit has happened, let's get on with it. What's encouraging is the number of those who responded positively and feel that Brexit could actually be what we need. Despite the triggering of Article 50 last week, very little has actually changed this could have caused people to react positively to the poll. It will be interesting to see if sentiment changes as negotiations get going and businesses start to feel the impacts of Brexit.