Not ajax /databook/office/se-london-kent/market-comment

“Supply in the South East London & Kent market tightened further, with the availability rate moving down to 5.6% from 7.9% in 2020.”

Ivan Scott
Divisional Partner

Our View

Take up in the South East London & Kent office market continued to run at below trend levels in 2023, with total activity of 270,500 sq ft. Full year activity was marginally below the figure achieved in the previous 12 months and is the fifth successive year of below trend take up in the South East London & Kent market, which stands at 570,000 sq ft. Activity was boosted by the 30,900 sq ft letting to Ravensbourne University at TfL’s headquarters building 14 Pier Walk, SE10.

Activity in the first three months of 2024 has continued in a similar trend, with initial indications showing that 47,140 sq ft has been acquired, with the main focus of letting being on suites below 10,000 sq ft.     



Office market take-up
Not ajax /databook/office/se-london-kent/market-comment

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Key Contact

Ivan Scott

Ivan Scott

Divisional Partner - South East London & Kent Commercial Agency
020 3141 3606
[email protected]